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Writer's pictureCheyene Marling

How to Interview for the Best Candidate – Pitfalls to Avoid and Signs of a Top Talent

Hiring the right candidate can be a game-changer for any organization. The interview process is a critical step in identifying top talent, but it's also fraught with challenges. Understanding how to navigate these can help hiring managers avoid costly mistakes and ensure they bring the best people on board.


Signs of a Top Talent

1) Demonstrated Problem-Solving Ability

Top candidates don’t just list problems they’ve encountered; they explain how they’ve solved them. Look for candidates who can articulate how they’ve tackled challenges in the past, especially in situations relevant to the role they’re applying for.

2) Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is crucial in any role. A top talent will be able to express their ideas clearly, listen actively, and engage in meaningful dialogue. During the interview, pay attention to how well candidates articulate their thoughts and whether they ask insightful questions.

3) Adaptability & Resilience

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the ability to adapt to change and bounce back from setbacks is invaluable. Candidates who demonstrate resilience and a positive attitude toward change are more likely to thrive in dynamic environments.

4) Passion & Enthusiasm

Passionate candidates bring energy and commitment to their work. Look for individuals who are genuinely excited about the role and your company. This enthusiasm often translates into high levels of engagement and productivity.

5) Alignment with Company Values

Top talent will align with your company’s mission, vision, and values. They’ll not only understand what your organization stands for but will also be motivated to contribute to its success. Ask candidates how their personal values align with your company’s and how they see themselves contributing to its goals.

6) A Track Record of Learning & Growth

Continuous learning is a hallmark of top talent. Look for candidates who have pursued professional development, sought out new challenges, and shown a commitment to personal and professional growth. This indicates a proactive approach to their career and a willingness to evolve with your company.


Pitfalls to Avoid

1)   Overemphasis on Experience Over Potential

While experience is important, it’s not the sole indicator of future success. Focusing too much on what a candidate has done can lead to overlooking their potential to grow and adapt within your organization. Remember that skills can be taught, but attributes like drive, curiosity, and the ability to learn quickly are harder to instill.

2) Bias in the Interview Process

Unconscious bias can significantly impact hiring decisions. Whether it’s affinity bias (favoring candidates who are similar to you), confirmation bias (seeking information that confirms pre-existing beliefs), or halo effect (letting one strong aspect overshadow everything else), bias can lead to poor hiring choices. Implementing structured interviews, where all candidates are asked the same questions, can help mitigate this.

3) Relying Solely on Gut Feel

While intuition is valuable, it shouldn’t be the only tool in your decision-making process. A gut feeling is often influenced by personal biases and can lead to subjective decisions. Instead, combine your instincts with data-driven assessments, reference checks, and objective criteria.

4) Neglecting Cultural Fit

A candidate may have the right skills and experience, but if they don’t align with your company’s culture, they may struggle to integrate into the team. Failing to assess cultural fit can lead to high turnover and decreased morale. Ask questions that reveal how a candidate’s values align with your organization’s.

5) Ignoring Red Flags

It’s easy to get caught up in a candidate’s strengths and ignore potential red flags. If a candidate shows signs of being overly critical of past employers, has gaps in their resume they can’t explain, or displays poor communication skills, these could be indicators of future issues.


Hiring the best candidate requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. By avoiding common pitfalls and recognizing the signs of top talent, you can significantly increase your chances of making the right hire. Remember, the goal is not just to fill a position but to find someone who will thrive and contribute to your organization’s long-term success.


Please feel free to reach out to us with any staffing questions. We are here to help you assess the appropriate personnel need, be it managed services, consulting, temporary or a permanent hire. Additionally, we have sample job descriptions and several BCM Research Reports available for review. You can also find great hiring manager video content posted on the BC Management YouTube channel. Visit our website to schedule a discovery call or request staff.


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